
F.A.Q | 常见问题

Q: What is this site for?
A: I built this site to list all the model files I own and would like to be able to exchange file with you.

问: 这个网站是干啥的?
答: 本网站用于列出我拥有的模型文件,并希望可以与您交换模型。

Q: I would like some of the file you have listed, but I don’t have any of the models you wish to exchange.
A: You can also buy these model files for a very low price (about $0.5 per set) on a Chinese flea market app (2.taobao.com), My ID: Miniatures.

问: 我想要你的一些文件,但是我没有你想要的模型可以交换。
答: 您可以通过闲鱼APP来购买这些模型,基本上是三元一套,打包可以优惠,闲鱼号:Miniatures。

Q: I can’t use that App / I can’t pay in that App
A: Sorry about that, I don’t have any other way to trade at the moment, so you’d better have some models I need, or wait until I find an easy way to trade.

问: 我没法通过闲鱼交易。
答: 那就交换吧。

Q: How do we exchange?
A: We can provide each other with the download link of the model, I use Baidu cloud storage to save and share my model file, I have posted a post for free sharing, you can use that post ( Aliens vs Human Kickstarter (Free Share) ) to test download speed.

问: 如何交换文件?
答: 互相交换下载链接,我使用百度网盘,所以您的链接最好也是百度网盘链接。

Q: I can’t use Baidu cloud storage / Baidu cloud storage is too slow
A: I can try to upload model files to Google Drive, but Google Drive is also very slow for me. And there’s also the issue of capacity.

问: 百度网盘下载太慢了。
答: 买会员吧。。。